Telegram founder Pavel Durov mentioned in an announcement that he personally bought 1 / 4 of the newly issued Telegram bonds, investing tens of tens of millions of {dollars} to help Telegram’s development.
That is along with the tons of of tens of millions of {dollars} he has invested over the previous 10 years to make Telegram work.
Though Telegram’s huge development means greater storage and site visitors prices, Telegram could be very value environment friendly, and the monetization plan it launched final yr is off to an excellent begin.
He mentioned that though Telegram shouldn’t be presently worthwhile, Telegram is nearer to being worthwhile in absolute numbers than rivals Twitter and Snap.
Moreover, Durov additionally confirmed that he owns Bitcoin and Toncoin. Durov mentioned he would fairly deal with his job and personal nothing (besides Telegram, Bitcoin and Toncoin).
He identified that tons of of tens of millions of individuals join Telegram as a result of they need an unbiased messaging platform that places customers first, and his accountability and life’s work is to proceed offering that platform.
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